Friday, February 02, 2007

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

It should be clear to everyone that, in every meaningful way, the US is not a supporter of Israel.

We are rapidly approaching the time when the US will even acknowledge that its strategic interests are aligned with "moderate" arab states, i.e., oil.

If you are saying that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and it is "ideologically" in synch with the US, you are simply showing your naïveté. Money talks and bullsh!t walks as the saying goes.

Even our beloved Israeli PM realizes this (which is amazing given is apparently profound stupidity).

This is the only reasonable explanation for Israel acting like a ditched ex-girlfriend saying she'll do anything to get her boyfriend to take her back.

It's time to get over our breakup with the US and "play the field". Take from those who would give to us without forgetting that they are not motivated by their great love for Jews, but by their own ambitions. The source of their souls is the sitra achra. What they do "for good" is from their own self-interests.

Israel -- please wake up! We have no allies. We stand alone against those who would annihilate us and against those countries who would use us as a pawn in their own global games.

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